The actors who support Trump

The actors who support Trump

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The president of the USA he has won the antipathy of most Hollywood artists, but he also has stalwarts, It is well known that the artists who work in Hollywood have always opted in large part for the Democratic side. During the last presidential campaign, many well-known faces supported Hillary Clinton and publicly asked for her vote. Meryl Streep, Eva Longoria, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Ricky Martin or John Legend are just some of the celebrities who were at the side of the Democratic candidate and were positioned against the nationalist discourse of Donald Trump. However, the Republican also has his own entourage of fans in the movie mecca. They are a minority, but it is worth mentioning those well-known actors and actresses who have not hesitated to back the controversial president of the United States.

One of the first to position himself in favor of Trump has been the veteran actor Jon Voight, who has been proud to vote for the tycoon. Angelina Jolie's father has had nothing but flattering words towards the president, whom he has defined as a man "funny, naughty and colorful, but above all, honest". The protagonist of Midnight Cowboy does not fall short and says he was always clear that the policies of the Republican were going to bring back prosperity to the country. "He is the only one who can do it," he said in an interview. Voight's fervor for Trump has reached such a point that he came to defend it after the harsh words of Robert De Niro against him. In the middle of the campaign, the protagonist of Taxi Driver said he wanted to hit Trump, and Voight said he felt "embarrassed" by that comment from his colleague.

Who is also proud to support the millionaire president is James Woods. Winner of three Emmy Awards and owner of an IQ of 180, the actor created controversy on Monday to defend the Muslim veto of the Republican by posting on Twitter a photograph in which bodies are full of blood after the attack on November 13, 2015 to the Bataclán room in Paris. "France and Germany united against Trump's decree. Their nations are drowned in the blood of their own citizens, "Woods wrote in another totally unfortunate message. In the end, the actor was forced to erase the tweet "at the request of people who have rightly said that it could hurt the feelings of the families of the murdered souls," he said later.

Kirstie Alley, star of Mira quien hablar or the television series Cheers, is also part of the list of Hollywood performers who support the tycoon. "HI GUYS. This is my official support for Donald Trump & I am a woman, "he wrote in a tweet.

Another Hollywood veteran, James Caan, has been hopeful with the arrival of the tycoon at the White House. The actor who played Sonny Corleone in El Padrino (1972) has had words of support for the new president saying that "The United States needs an urgent change after eight years with Obama in power." And another of the Hollywood names that have surrendered to Trump's populist discourse is Stephen Baldwin, star of Usual Suspects and The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas !. The actor has expressed support for the Republican saying that "sometimes says things in a too hard and controversial. But I think he is a moral man who can do many good things for the economy. " His opinion is in stark contrast to that of his older brother Alec, who has been very popular lately for parodying the mogul on the NBC show Saturday Night Live. Tom Selleck (Magnum) is also on the list of actors who support Trump; Jean Claude Van Damme; Chuck Norris; Gary Sinise (CSI, Forrest Gump); Gary Busey (Lethal Weapon, Maximum Alert), Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk) or Kelsey Grammer (Frasier).


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