Latest news in the world - Conflict

Latest news in the world - Conflict

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At least two dead by a rocket fired from Afrin to Turkey, At least two people have been killed and six others wounded Wednesday by a rocket fired from the Syrian region of Afrin that has hit a mosque in, the Turkish border town of Kilis. The Turkish offensive in Afrin leaves some thirty civilians and dozens of militiamen dead Erdogan points to the Syrian region of Manjib as the new target of the Turkish troopsThe allied forces with the US warn that they will respond to any attack by Turkey in ManbijThe FDS accuse Turkey of lying about the presence of Islamic State in Afrin to intervene.

The forces allied with the US warn that they will respond to any attack by Turkey on Manbij. Syrian forces supported by the international coalition led by the United States have warned that they will respond to any attack by Turkey in the Syrian region of Manbij, which this Wednesday has been signaled by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the new target of Ankara in the neighboring country.

The Turkish offensive in Afrin leaves some thirty civilians and dozens of militia killed Around thirty civilians, as well as several dozen militiamen from both sides, have died since Turkey launched its offensive on the Kurdish region of Afrin on Saturday. the northwest of Syria, according to the balance offered on Wednesday by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which cites sources from all sides. The Syrian Government denies that it used chemical weapons after the attack with chlorine gas in Ghuta Oriental

Erdogan points to the Syrian region of Manjib as the new target of the Turkish troops. The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has indicated on Wednesday the Syrian region of Manbij as the new target of the Turkish troops in the neighboring country, as part of the operation with which he intends to cleanse of terrorists, among which includes the militias Kurds, the common border.

The Syrian government denies that it used chemical weapons after the attack with chlorine gas in Ghuta Oriental The Government of Bashar al-Assad has insisted on Wednesday that it has not used chemical weapons, in response to the new accusation launched by the United States after the attack with chlorine gas perpetrated on Monday in the rebel enclave of Ghuta Oriental. Russia proposes new research on chemical attacks in Syria at the UN


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