
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2017


LAS MEJORES HISTORIAS DE AMOR Diciembre 15, 20:40 hrs AMOR & SARCASMO Anna Karenina’, de León Tolstói, Uno de los grandes novelones rusos —y mira que hay— de la historia de la literatura. La desesperada pasión de Anna Karenina, una mujer de alta posición social, casada y madre de un hijo, por el conde Vronsky —primero clandestina, luego pública y finalmente trágica— ha sido origen de numerosas adaptaciones al cine y la TV. Como paradigma que es de la literatura rusa del XIX, la historia anda escasita de felicidad y rebosante de sentimiento de culpa, pero que eso no te frene. Para corazones forjados a baja temperatura. Cumbres borrascosas’, de Emily Brontë, La mediana de las hermanas Brontë (las escritoras, se entiende; había tres hermanos más) solo escribió esta novela que, para colmo, no fue muy bien recibida en su momento, aunque el tiempo la ha puesto donde se merece. El amor aquí es enfermizo y oscuro, teñido de venganza y envidia. La historia entre Heathcli

the good and bad things of trump in his presidency

the good and bad things of trump in his presidency Diciembre 12, 20:32 hrs Android a Tú Mano The next president has appealed to the unit and has shown flexibility, but continues to lie and question press freedom or the separation of powers. Since his victory on November 8, Donald Trump have not behaved like former presidents-elect. The next president has had some gestures to appeal to the unit more similar to those of his predecessors, but has not abandoned his most controversial campaign inclinations, such as spreading false information, attacks on the press or threats to companies or any critic. The normal is the first thing. The second is rare and sometimes questions the basic principles of democracy. 1. The speech of victory. His intervention on election night was short and an exercise in modesty that contrasted with his campaign. Trump had words of thanks for Hillary Clinton and appealed to the unity of the country, in the usual line of winners. Surprised or over

The actors who support Trump

The actors who support Trump Diciembre 11, 16:44 hrs Android a Tú Mano The president of the USA he has won the antipathy of most Hollywood artists, but he also has stalwarts, It is well known that the artists who work in Hollywood have always opted in large part for the Democratic side. During the last presidential campaign, many well-known faces supported Hillary Clinton and publicly asked for her vote. Meryl Streep, Eva Longoria, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Madonna, Ricky Martin or John Legend are just some of the celebrities who were at the side of the Democratic candidate and were positioned against the nationalist discourse of Donald Trump. However, the Republican also has his own entourage of fans in the movie mecca. They are a minority, but it is worth mentioning those well-known actors and actresses who have not hesitated to back the controversial president of the United States. One of the first to position himself in favor of Trump has been the veteran actor Jon